Das VIVA-Dorf im Osten von Mamelodi bei Pretoria wurde 2007 von Meleney und Léon Kriel gegründet, u.a. mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Botschaft, um Kinder armer Familien tagsüber zu betreuen.
Zunächst gab es einen Kindergarten, dann kam die Vorschule dazu. Inzwischen erhalten in 4 zu Schulklassen umfunktionierten Containern 120 Kinder in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Nichtregierungsorganisationen eine solide Vor- und Grundschulerziehung.
Außerdem können sie auf einem Abenteuerspielplatz toben. Die beiden Gründer betreiben das VIVA-Dorf mit großem Einsatz und sind dabei, an zwei weiteren Standorten ähnliche Einrichtungen aufzubauen.
Aktuelles Update auf Englisch, 15. Juli 2021
Let me use this opportunity to update you on the situation here. As you know, there is widespread unrest, looting and destruction going on and Mamelodi is a hotspot. The Mams Mall, housing both the Shoprite Checkers and Pick n Pay supermarkets, have been completely ransacked and vandalised. It is closed and there is no food in surrounding communities at all.
On Monday, before we saw the devastation in the news, we as a team had prepared over 200 full food parcels, – many tonnes of food – for a distribution, as the schools are closed due to the Third Covid19 wave. By the time we had packed the bakkie and trailer full, it became clear from the news and reports of the team on the ground, that we will not be able to safely bring the food in.
Monday night after the President spoke to the nation, addressing the situation, looters and gangs broke into Viva but found nothing in the store. We had removed everything for the school holidays in anticipation and based on past experience. They fired off shots, to scare our caretaker. He remained in his house with his wife and small child and we are thankful that they were unscathed. Apart from broken locks, nothing of value was taken.
They also went into Mams Mall then and the devastation is unbelievable. Today, we were left with no choice but to take food in for our families and team. L. left about an hour ago with Ph., our vice-principal. We felt that we have been entrusted by God with the resources to purchase the food, the know-how in distributing it and this is merely the last step, namely getting it there. We prayed for the same grace that made the project possible, to also be there for the final step of getting it to the people.
The hunger and food-insecurity has not let up since the Pandemic arrived in 2020. We have lost count, but have most definitely provided food parcels representing more than 1.5 million meals already. We have expanded to Melville, Westbury, Westdene and the Johannesburg CBD and in Tshwane, also to Daspoort and Hammanskraal. The images will break your heart. I cant even post them on Social Media as it feels very wrong to use people’s desperation in the public eye, but the truth is, we are going to have to provide food for a long time still.
With regard to the Building Project, L. has purchased steel and wood and the second floor is going in at the hall as we speak. […] it is all the steel and the wood needed and we have started raising more funds from other sources for carpeting, windows etc.
Thank you so much to you and all the members of the H. und G. B. foundation and Heva e.V. for your support.